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Virtual EHQ  2020

Virtual EHQ 2020

Well what can we say?? 2020 Will go down in the history books for more than a million reasons, but for Eyemouth and EHQ Elect Miss Hope Harwylewicz, the one that will be remembered will be our Virtual EHQ.

Obviously, things were not the same as they usually would be in a normal July, but the EHQ Committee tried their level best to have some sort of EHQ week for the aptly named, Hope.

You can visit our EHQ Facebook page to look at all the events that we had organised for you to do online in the safety of your own house, garden or outing which Miss Hope judged and arrived at the door with prizes for the winners.  Visit for more details.

This year is a little bit “dis-jointed” but tried do all the events etc that Hope and her court will have enjoyed during EHQ week, throughout the year.

Photos of Hope and her court are in our past queens section…. all socially distanced due to the ongoing pandemic.

Fingers crossed we get to do more before her year is out.

Take care and be safe everyone